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The Beacon of Light will shine twenty-four hours a day. For the children in our community, it will light the way to the Boys & Girls Club and symbolically illuminate the path to their future. The Beacon of Light Courtyard will serve as a gathering place for Boys & Girls Club children. Ceremonies and important activities will take place in the Courtyard. The Beacon of Light will be a constant reminder of the bright future each child has in front of them.


The Beacon of Light design is based on a drawing done by Cally (age 8) who attends the Boys and Girls Club.

Features and Floorplans

Main Level

Lower Level

Beacon of Light Courtyard

Our Club on a College Campus

With the new club housed on Lincon University's campus, our children will have access to facilities that otherwise could not be afforded.  But more importantly, the children will have a change to interact with a diverse population of young adults.  


The educational opportunities are extensive from in-service learning to mentorship and coaching.  This partnership is limitless in its possibilities.  We believe this partnership will provide opportunities that will be catalysts for change which will lead to more Club members pursuing college after high school.

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